The Royal Armoured Corps (RAC) Corps Engagement Team will be with us on Saturday 6th July. The Royal Armoured Corps provide the armour capability of the Britis Army and are the tactical and technical experts in mounted manoeuvres. For more information about the Royal Armoured Corps, check out their Facebook page: Or the official […]
The 1st Battalion The Dorsetshire Regiment living history group will be with us on Armed Forces Day, they represent a unit of the British Army that was amalgamated into another regiment. Their aim is to ensure that the history of the battalions is not forgotten or lost. They also raise funds for military charities. More […]
Last day to buy tickets for this great event is Monday 20th May. Please come along and support Somerset Armed Forces Day Thank you to Taunton Chamber of Commerce for organising the event and thank you to Cullens smokehouse BBQ, Mainline Spirit Co and Dough Bros. for supplying the food and drink. Please come along, […]
The living history group On War Service will be joining us on the 6th of July. They are a group of history enthusiasts and friends who, for many years, have been involved in living history groups. They represent soldiers, nursers, those who worked during the war and civilians. They give you the opportunity to know […]
Thank you so much to Taunton Workwear for creating the gym bags to commemorate Somerset Armed Forces Day this year on the 6th of July. We are really looking forward to having you with us on the day.
From Combat Stress The theme of this year’s #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek is movement and moving more for our mental health.We know that being active can greatly benefit our mental health by reducing anxiety and stress and improving sleep. At Combat Stress, we have a range of exciting challenges you can take part in to give your health […]
Anyone fancy treating their team to a Smoked Meal extravaganza? Cullen’s Catering can provide for all dietary requirements at their place or yours, a unique culinary experience. Show your team how much you appreciate them with a SMOKED BBQ. Contact Cullen’s Smokehouse BBQ.
During SAFD 2024 supporters will have the opportunity to sponsor tables in the Guest Suite, which is closed to the public, to network with other sponsors, dignitaries, and organisers. Tables for 10 people will be available. All guests will receive an admittance pass, which will be required to be shown when entering the Guest Suite. […]
Representatives from Taunton Freemasons – Somerset UK will have a pitch at Somerset Armed Forces Day on Saturday 6th July. Stop by their pitch and have a chat to find out what they are all about. The Masonic Hal in Taunton is home to nine craft lodges and several Masonic side degrees who meet there […]
In this weather who wouldn’t want an ice cream. We will have Alfies ices and Mr Whippy with us on the 6th of July, if the weather is anything like it has been today, we’ll definitely be wanting an ice cream or two! Plenty of ice cream to go around for everyone.
We’re looking forward to having Chloe Marie Aston with us this year on Armed Forces Day. Come along and hear her sing on Saturday 6th July. #Girlwithabicycleandpiano
Somerset Armed Forces Day are delighted to welcome Corza Medical the home of Pearsalls Ltd to our growing band of wonderful Supporters! Without their help we wouldn’t be able to fund this amazing free event. #supportlocal#somersetarmedforcesday#ArmedForcesDay#VivaryPark#tauntonsomerset
Just two weeks to go until this great event organised by Taunton Chamber of Commerce who are trying to raise much needed funds for Somerset Armed Forces Day. BBQ social at Vivary Golf Club Huge thanks to Cullens smokehouse BBQ, Mainline Spirit Co and Dough Bros. for supplying the food and drink. Please come along […]
Losing a loved one is always hard on each and every one of us. Let a truly independant family funeral service help you, they will tailor their services to suit the needs of each family , whether that be a more individual and bespoke arrangement or offering one of their inclusive options if that is […]
The Company Of The Wyvern medieval reenactment group will be joining us this year at Somerset Armed Forces Day. If you’d like to know more about the group, check out their Facebook page here: 4 m
Just a wee reminder about the event that has been organised by Taunton Chamber of Commerce on Thursday 23rd May, being held at Vivary Golf Club supporting Somerset Armed Forces Day raising much needed funds for our event on Saturday 6th July. Many thanks to Cullens smokehouse BBQ, Mainline Spirit Co and Dough Bros. for […]