Lock up your daughters,the vikings are coming! Draca Beorðor will be joining us again this year. Based in the Somerset area, Draca Beorðor is a reenactment group concentrating on the Viking Age and they take it seriously by researching and finding evidence from historical sources and archaeology from within the UK and Europe. I believe […]
Sad news, sadly Sians Sweet Treats will not be with us on Armed Forces Day.
Squibb freestyle motocross stunt team are definitely a crowd pleaser. Jamie Squibb and the rest of the team perform amazing stunts and jumps in the mid air wowing the crowds while they are at it. The stunt team have transportable metal take off and landing ramps ideal for large or small arenas which enables them […]
Keep a look out for Roger Blighty the wannabe pilot with his detailed scale model biplane Betsy Blue that’s attached to a penny farthing bicycle at Armed Forces Day on Saturday 6th July. Give him space though, Betsy Blue boasts a six foot wingspan, motorised propellers and an onboard sound system that replicates the sounds […]
South Wales performer Kirsten Orsborn is one of the UK’s best and most versatile international female vocalists. Performing an extensive repertoire of music from swing, jazz, rock ‘n’ roll, Motown, soul, right through to disco and pop and with bands and live orchestras. In 2014 Kirsten was officially adopted by The Royal Marines as their […]
We shall have a French ERC90 at Armed Forces Day. The range of armoured cars known as the ERC (Engin de Reconnaissance Canon) was developed by Panhard and was mainly made for the export market. First production of the vehicles was completed in 1979, after they had been exhibited in 1977 at an Exhibition of […]
Our thoughts are with the family and friends of Squadron Leader Mark Long at this sad time. https://fb.watch/sjbdyAfm24 https://raf.mod.uk/news/articles/statement-by-group-captain-robbie-lees/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR0x51-v8w0eO8Xm_qEFrRC20WreHqOREC00xNrdsE5kjRJ1kczN-G5_YTI_aem_AbzxMOGHSDT2rb-mDqu7E0cX95RqgoBmwdcIZU1FNnCOKnZ5F0omowC56lTJeueg6r1DkaFV3MIF5HSWycYHONbG https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-lincolnshire-69062769
The SAFD Committee wish to pass on their condolences to the BBMF community and the family and friends of the pilot who sadly lost his life today. Our thoughts are with you all. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-lincolnshire-69056052
6 weeks away now!
We shall have a Daimler Ferret MK1/1 with the Military reg 01DD05 at Armed Forces Day that served in Northern Ireland, Germany and the 1st Gulf War which was sold out of service back in 1992. If you have any questions about the vehicle, I’m sure the owner will be happy to answer them. For […]
During SAFD 2024 supporters will have the opportunity to sponsor tables in the Guest Suite, which is closed to the public, to network with other sponsors, dignitaries, and organisers. Tables for 10 people will be available. All guests will receive an admittance pass, which will be required to be shown when entering the Guest Suite. […]
If you pick up a copy of the latest What’s on Somerset magazine, we’ve had a nice little write up about Somerset Armed Forces Day on the 6th July.
Many thanks to Taunton Chamber of Commerce and Bethan for arranging last night’s event at Vivary Golf Club and thank you to all the members of the local business community who came along to support us, you made it a fantastic evening. Thanks also must go to Cullens smokehouse BBQ, Mainline Spirit Co, and Dough […]
Representatives of the South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust will be with us on Armed Forces Day. Stop by their pitch and have a chat with them. For more information about SWAST, check out their website here: https://www.swast.nhs.uk
For those of you who have bought tickets, we’re looking forward to seeing you on Thursday evening for good food and drink and great company. Thanks to Taunton Chamber of Commerce for organising the event and thank you to Cullens smokehouse BBQ, Mainline Spirit Co and Dough Bros. for supplying the food and drink. We […]
Headway Somerset will have a pitch with us on Armed Forces Day. They support individuals with acquired brain injury (ABI) and their families and have been doing it for over 30 years.Check out why they do what they do here:https://www.headwaysomerset.org.uk/why-we-exist/For more information about Headway Somerset, check out their website here:https://www.headwaysomerset.org.uk/Or their Facebook page:https://www.facebook.com/HeadwaySomerset2020