So who’s crazy about golf? Well Golf Craziness will be joining us on Armed Forces Day. Golf Craziness is a family run business and they offer you a 9-hole mini golf course, I’m sure this will be great fun for all ages whatever your ability so why don’t you come along and try your hand […]
The Somerset NHS Foundation Trust Carers Team specifically the Somerset Foundation Trust for Mental Health Carers will have a pitch at Armed Forces Day. They are there to help those who look after individuals with mental health issues. For more information about this, check out their website here:…/somersetft-mental-health/ Stop by and have a chat […]
We will have a Tithonus Land Rover and a Land Rover Wolf present at Armed Forces Day on the 6th July. The Tithonus Land Rover that will be on show, was fully refurbished by the MOD as part of the British Army LEP (Life extension programme) and left service in 2017 having spent its service […]
The Rebel Legion UK will be wandering around Vivary Park on Armed Forces Day, so we better be on our best behaviour, we don’t want to get arrested! So who are The Rebel Legion? They are an international non-profit Star Wars organisation and the members who are all volunteers, wear costumes representing the ‘good guys’ […]
*UPDATE* Great news, we have just been informed that the Poppy of Honour Memorial will be at Armed Forces Day on the 6th July, located beside their stand. There will be the Poppy of Honour stand at Armed Forces Day on the 6th of July, sadly as far as I am aware, the Poppy of […]
Representatives from the charity Arc Inspire will be joining us on Armed Forces Day. Arc formerly Taunton Association for the Homeless is a local homeless charity that was founded in the early 1970’s by individuals in the local community who realised there was a need for support and more importantly accommodation for those living on […]
So pleased to have you with us on Armed Forces Day, NB: Post taken from their Facebook page which can be found here: